January 1, 2022

1. Why is the assessment required?

A new law went into effect on July 1, 2018 that requires a BSIS security guard registrant seeking to associate a BSIS Firearms Permit to the guard registration to complete an assessment to demonstrate that they are capable, at the time the assessment is completed, of demonstrating appropriate judgment, restraint and self-control for the purposes of carrying and using a firearm when performing security guard duties. (Business and Professions Code Section 7583.23 and 7583.47).

NOTE: Effective January 1, 2022, the assessment must be completed prior to submitting an Application for an Initial Firearms Permit. This is a significant change. Prior practice was to take the assessment AFTER you applied; as of January 1, 2022, you must take it PRIOR to applying for a firearms permit.

2. What is the name of the assessment?

The assessment is named the Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16pf), which is a personality test used in various settings including employers of protective services personnel (e.g., police officers, firefighters and security guards). However, scoring standards were established specific to the legal requirement of appropriate judgment, restraint and self-control for the purposes of carrying and using a firearm while performing armed security guard duties.

3. Where do I complete the assessment?

The bureau has contracted with PSI Services LLC (PSI) to administer the 16pf assessment. PSI is an industry leader in administering licensing, credentialing and public safety tests and has 23 testing centers located throughout California where the assessment can be taken.

For additional information on completing the assessment, please review PSI's Firearms Assessment Information Bulletin.

4. What is the assessment fee?

The fee is $65.00. The fee is paid directly to PSI (see Item 6) and must be paid before an assessment appointment can be scheduled. PSI accepts major credit cards, debit cards and pre-paid credit cards. PSI also accepts cashier's checks and money orders.

For additional information on fee payment information, please review PSI's Firearms Assessment Information Bulletin.

5. How do I schedule an appointment to take the assessment?

For information on appointment scheduling, rescheduling, and cancellations, please review PSI's Firearms Assessment Information Bulletin.

6. How will I know my assessment results and what happens after I complete the assessment?

Before you leave the assessment administration site, PSI staff with provide you with a BSIS Firearms Assessment Examination Score Report. Keep this notice for your records.

Pursuant to the provisions of Business and Professions Code Section 7583.47, PSI only provides the bureau with the assessment results of "Demonstrate" or "Did Not Demonstrate" depending on your assessment score. Based on the result received, you can proceed as follows:

Demonstrate Results

If you demonstrate that you possess appropriate judgment, restraint, and self-control for the purposes of carrying and using a firearm during the course of your security guard duties, you may submit a Firearms Permit Initial Application.

Did Not Demonstrate Results

If you did not demonstrate that you possess appropriate judgment, restraint, and self-control for the purposes of carrying and using a firearm during the course of your security guard duties, you may not submit a Firearms Permit Initial Application.

You have the option to retake the assessment 180 days after receiving a “did not demonstrate” result. Please note the 180-waiting period begins the day after you complete your assessment.

To stay up-to-date on assessment and other BSIS activities, subscribe to the bureau's Interested Parties email list at: