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Proprietary Private Security Officer (PSO)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)

  1. Can I carry a firearm, baton, and/or pepper spray while licensed as a Proprietary Private Security Officer (PSO)?
    No, a PSO is an unarmed individual and cannot carry a weapon

  2. What are the training requirements when obtaining a PSO registration?

    To be completed prior to issuance of PSO registration (minimum of 8 hours): 

    1. Power to Arrest (3 hours); and
    2. Appropriate Use of Force (minimum of 5 hours)

    To be completed within 30 days from the date PSO registration is approved or within 30 days from the date of employment as a PSO:

    1. Mandatory Outline of Courses (minimum of 8 hours)

    Additionally, a PSO's employer is mandated to provide each employee with an annual eight-hour training specifically dedicated to the review or practice of security officer skills.

  3. At what point am I required to obtain a PSO registration?

    With some exceptions, when you are working exclusively for one employer, your primary duty is to provide security services for your employer, your services are not contracted out to any other entity or person, and you meet both of the following criteria: (a) you are required to wear a distinctive uniform clearly identifying yourself as a security officer, and (b) you are likely to interact with the public while performing your duties. For exceptions to these requirements, see Business and Professions Code (BPC) Section 7574[3]

  4. What forms and documents must be included in the application packet?

    1. Application for Proprietary Private Security Officer[4]
    2. Application fee[5]

  5. How do I apply for a PSO registration?

    You can apply online using BreEZe[6] , which bypasses the Cashiering Office and can reduce the application processing time by up to two weeks. Alternatively, you can submit your application and payment to the Bureau by mail to:
    Bureau of Security and Investigative Services
    P.O. Box 989002
    West Sacramento, CA. 95798-9002

  6. If I have a conviction, can I still apply for a PSO registration?

    Yes, applicants with criminal histories will be considered and registration decisions are rendered on a case–by–case basis.

  7. How do I check the status of my application?

    The Bureau's current application processing timeframes[7] is available on our website and is updated weekly. You may check on the status of your fingerprint results[8] with the Department of Justice. Please note, you will be required to enter the ATI number (located at the bottom of the Live Scan form) and your Date of Birth.

  8. Can I work on a temporary registration?

    No, you must have a valid PSO registration in your possession before going on duty.

  9. What if I sent in the wrong fee amount?

    If you submitted the wrong fee amount, your application and payment will be returned to you with a letter requesting the correct amount.

  10. If I am denied a PSO registration, can I appeal the denial?

    Yes. If you are denied, you will receive detailed instructions regarding the appeals process.

  11. Do I need to apply for a new PSO registration if I change my employment as a PSO to a new employer?


  12. How do I renew my registration?

    Prior to the expiration of the registration, the registrant may receive a courtesy renewal application mailed to the last address of record approximately 60–120 days in advance. If you did not receive a renewal application, complete and submit the Proprietary Private Security Officer Registration Renewal Application[9] along with the applicable renewal and delinquency fee (if applicable). You may also renew online using BreEZe, which updates your registration in real–time. Create a BreEZe account, pay the renewal fee, and submit your renewal application online.[10]
    Mail the renewal application and renewal fee(s)[11] to:
    Bureau of Security and Investigative Services
    P.O. Box 989002
    West Sacramento, CA 95798–9002

  13. How long after the expiration of my registration am I able to renew my registration?

    You may renew your registration up to sixty days after expiration with payment of the renewal fee and delinquency fee. If, after sixty days from expiration you fail to renew, you must submit a new application and begin the application process again to be registered as a PSO.

  14. How do I notify the Bureau of my change of address?

    You must notify the Bureau in writing within 30 days of an address change. To change your address, complete and submit the Address Change (Personal) form[12] to the Bureau. Mail the form to:

    Bureau of Security and Investigative Services
    PO Box 989002
    West Sacramento, CA 95798–9002

  15. If I lost, destroyed or damaged my registration card, how do I obtain a duplicate?

    If you have lost or destroyed your registration card, complete and submit the Application for Replacement of Proprietary Private Security Officer Registration Card[13] . You may also submit a request for a replacement registration card online using BreEZe, which updates in real-time. Create a BreEZe account, pay the renewal fee, and submit your application for a replacement registration card online.[14]
    Mail the application and fee[15] to:
    Bureau of Security and Investigative Services
    P.O. Box 989002
    West Sacramento, CA 95798–9002
    Please allow 6–8 weeks for replacement, if submitting by mail.

  16. Where can I see a copy of the Skills Training Course for Proprietary Private Security Officers?

    The Skills Training Course can be found at: Security Guard and Proprietary Private Security Officer Training Course.

[3] dbranch.xhtml?tocCode=BPC&division=3.&title=&part=&chapter=11.4.&article=













Revised January 2025